Monday, July 19, 2010

Nathan's First Trip

We have returned from our 2 week trip to Alaska. Nathan did amazing. No meltdowns on the plane and adjusted fabulously to and fro. I am one proud momma and excited to take him on a trip to Kansas City by myself in October.

I have to say that "snuggly bear" saved our life. And because he saved our life I have purchased two more identical "snuggly bears", just in case "snuggly bear" #1 goes MIA. "Snuggly bear" is Nathan's security item. It is what helps him fall to sleep and help him feel at home. We LOVE this little guy. A Carter's soft bear with blanket attached. Genius. Just today I ordered two replacements. At two times the original price, but in this case, money can buy happiness.

Anyhow, our trip was so relaxing and I seriously considered extending - unfortunately for me to keep up with Nathan's "snuggly bear" habit, we had to come back to work.

We spent one week with my mom and one week with my dad. We did a lot in two weeks! A trip to Big Lake where Nathan had his first "cabin" experience (I say "cabin" because the place had flat screens.....), his first boat ride and some fire works. Jason and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary with Liz and Will at the Aleyeska Prince Hotel. Nathan went down his first water slide at H2Oasis, an indoor water park. We went to the AK Zoo. Toured the town of Seward where we went to an Aquarium. Had a fabulous dinner at 7 Glaciers restaurant at the top of Mt. Aleyeska. Went to music in the park for little ones. And of course we saw tons of wild life, moose, sea otters, dall sheep, and eagles.

Now we are back to the grind. Today was my first day back to work and I am already wanting another vacation. Two weeks of time with my little guy was so wonderful. We had great family time.

Enjoy some highlights from our trip:
Me and Jas at Big Lake

Nathan Visiting Grandpa at work

Nathan and Addy

Nathan and a sea lion in Seward

1 comment:

  1. Addy and Nathan pic is very cute. I still remember when Addy was born. Hope all is well your way. Send updates on the blog soon
