Wednesday, June 2, 2010

When I feel out of control...

When I feel out of control, which seems to be common these last two weeks, I take a time-out and write myself lists. I have lists EVERYWHERE. A work to-do list, home to-do list, a grocery list, shopping list, note list, goal list, project list, book list...the list goes on (haha).
Anyhow, today, I feel out of control. We have a grant due at work that has had an extremely short turn around,  which means my work to-do list is building up as I focus on one project. I hosted family this weekend and Nathan got baptized so we had an open house - this all means that my home list got super long because I did none of my regular household duties and errands over the weekend.
I like making lists because I can make progress towards a goal in little steps. This makes things feel less overwhelming. I can pick something from my lists to do based on the amount of free time I have.  Some things sit on my list for a couple hours, others for weeks. For instance, "make dental appointments" has been on my list for probably a month now.
It is 10pm now and I will add to my lists before I go to bed.
Tomorrow I intend to cross a lot off my lists.
Wish me luck.

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